Millennials Are Tired Of Being Mentored

Among many companies and organizations, there is a push to offer Millennials mentoring programs and initiatives. Sometimes these mentoring opportunities are formal in nature and are required if Millennials want to be placed on leadership committees or boards. At other times, these mentoring relationships are more informal, yet still transactional: it is an unspoken rule that the younger employee or organizational member needs to be mentored or trained by an older member in order to receive promotions or other positions of privilege and esteem.

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The Clash Between Millennials and Generation Z

It is common and natural for younger generations to butt heads with older generations. Gen Xers rolled their eyes at their Boomer and Silent Generation parents. Millennials too have had a long-standing feud with the Boomer generation. Now, Generation Z is all grown up and they have begun speaking out against their Millennial predecessors leading to a generational clash between Millennials and Generation Z.

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What Politicians Can Teach the Church

Everyone knows that you should keep politics out of the pulpit. Separation of Church and State, right? However, in observing the 2020 campaign season, there is much the church can learn from successful politicians about how to reach Generation Z and Millennial young adults. While there are often many things about politics and politicians the church should not emulate, here are few things that rising politicians can actually teach the church:

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Three Things that Won’t Die with Generation Z

While Millennials were constantly being accused of “killing” everything from casual dining chains to the diamond industry to the housing market, we have yet to see what popular trends and consumer brands will be brought down by Generation Z. However, there are some things we can guess that won’t die with Generation Z. Here are a few industries that will live on for another generation:

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Holding Shared Space Across Generations

In our polarizing society, it is often easier to focus on what separates and divides instead of the common ground that brings people together. This is especially true when it comes to the stark differences across generations. But in the Church, we are called to be united by a common belief system and a shared love of Christ. Jesus even prayed that His followers “may all be one” (John 17:21) and the Apostle Paul reminds that there is “One God and Father over all” (Ephesians 4:6).

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