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The Big Picture: Six Key Segments of Millennials – Part 6

We’ve been discussing the differences in Millennial segments.  You can read the previous posts in a series of six posts dedicated to helping churches and church leaders make sense of the differences in Millennials:

  1. HERE

  2. HERE

  3. HERE

  4. HERE

  5. HERE


Millennial Segment # 6: Traditionalists

  • “I’m too busy taking care of my business and my family to worry about much else.”

  • Locally minded, conservative fiscally and politically.

  • Traditionalists do not spend more for “green” products or services.

  • Traditionalists seek comfort and familiarity over excitement, change and life’s interruptions.

  • Most traditional values held as compared to the other 5 segments.

  • The only group that looks like the America we know: predominately white, living in traditional families in which parents are married.

  • Happily settling into adulthood, this group is comprised of 27-35 year-old suburbanites with the highest income of all segments. 43% of them make over $70,000 per year.

  • Traditionalists are typically well educated (70% are in college or have already graduated), employed full-time.

  • Traditionalists are likely to be married or in a committed relationship.

  • Also, known as the Millennial mom, 48% of this group has one or more children at home (the largest percentage of any of the segments).

  • Traditionalists are always excited to try the newest products—but after the trend have caught on.

  • These outgoing social media queens are always on the go, trying to find the right work-life balance. They are often running late and checking their phones for product tips and recommendations.

  • Care little about style, fashion or the latest trends in food and health.

  • Least likely to sacrifice their family time to get ahead and they rarely miss the opportunity to sit down and eat dinner together.

Do you know any Traditionalists?  Based on your relationships with Traditionalists, what is your experience?  Do you find the list above to be accurate?  Why or why not?  What would you add to the list?  

**Deeper discussion on segment traits listed can be found in Millennial Essentials: The Big Picture.  For more info on this and other Burlap eBooks, email us at info@thinkburlap.com.  


The segment traits lists are compiled from the following sources: 


