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Parents Are Spiritual Leaders

Nearly 50% of Millennials say their parents are who most closely represents Jesus to them

47% of the 800 Christian Millennials we surveyed said that their parents/guardians are the people in their lives who most closely represent Jesus to them.  This shouldn’t surprise you, really.  For decades research from all over the world has pointed to parents as the primary spiritual influence in their kids’ lives.

While 47% of those surveyed said parents, only 13% of the millennials indicated that they most closely see Jesus in the lives of the professional clergy they know.  This could mean several things, obviously. It is certainly possible the millennials surveyed just don’t spend enough time around their pastors or priests.

When asked, “Who in your life most closely represents Jesus?” the millennials surveyed said:

  • 47% – Parents

  • 22% – Friends

  • 18% – Mentors

  • 13% – Clergy

Key Insights:  Pastors and priests should know their role.  Pastors and priests should make the appropriate time for equipping parents to model Christ-likeness realizing that kids will spend more time with their parents than they will with their pastor or priest.

For other insights feel free to reach out to us at info@thinkburlap.com.  Join the conversation at @thinkburlap on Twitter.