Is Your Church Website Attractive To Millennials?
How’s the website?
Do you overwhelm visitors with stellar graphics, electric guitar, and lightning strikes? (Some may remember the epic Evangel Cathedral Flash intro.)
Or is your current template labyrinthine and nearly impossible to navigate?
Hopefully it is perfect. But it might not be. And if is not, getting it right is a worthwhile investment.
Your website matters, and it doesn’t have to be difficult. The first step, noted here, is to begin offline. A solid website begins with a solid plan, one that considers both the needs of those who are seeking a church community and those who are already part of your congregation. You want a website visitors can easily navigate. People will search for your church before they visit, thus, your web presence makes an impression.
But you also want your existing membership to utilize the site for information about decisions, events, and opportunities for further growth. A good website can help your church remain transparent about your processes and governance, can keep the congregation informed about news and developments, and make resources available for discipleship.
A bad website can turn people away before they even darken your door.
RealClearMarkets identifies a few website keys for connecting with Millennials. They stress the importance of educating and engaging the user and making a solid first impression. Millennials are digital natives, and Gen Zers have never known a world without the web. A solid website will not only help your church connect with Millennials, but is a great step in connecting with Gen Zers as well.
WordPress and Squarespace are website services that are fairly easy set up without a ton of expertise. But you may not want to begin there. There are businesses like Clover who can help your church. Sharefaith is another option.
You could also hire a graphic designer or a web designer to help you, someone who lives in your community and has demonstrated knowledge of solid design. You might have members of your congregation who do this professionally, and who would be glad to help you get started. They may volunteer their time and services to help you get your website up and running. But if you are able, pay the artist for their work. Pay them on time and in full. It honors them, supports their work, and creates accountability for both parties.
You also often get what you pay for.
Keep in mind that Millennials and Gen Zers will likely first encounter your website on their phone or tablet. So make sure that your web hosting service has layouts that are compatible with a desktop, tablet, and phone.
Even if you set up a simple website that includes service times, directions, ways to contact staff, and information on your ministry areas, that can be enough. But keep it current. If you live in a growing community, people will visit your website during the summer months (if they’ve just completed a relocation in between school years), and if they have a church background they may visit your website in the lead up to Christmas or Easter. Routinely remove dated information.
One of the great callings that we have in Jesus Christ is to communicate the gospel and to share knowledge of God with the world. A good website is a tool that can help your church achieve that aim. The goal is to get web visitors connected and involved in your fellowship, for the Christian life is one lived alongside others. Make sure your website helps in moving people into fellowship, and not away from it.