Posts in Christian leadership
Four Steps to Giving Millennials a Voice on Your Leadership Team

Millennials are often the topic of conversation in business boardrooms and church committee meetings without having much representation in the room. While Millennials make up over one-third of the workforce in the U.S., you probably won’t find them in top leadership positions or executive boardrooms. Instead, the average age for C-suite member roles (CEO, CFO, COO) is 54 years old.

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Passing on the Keys of Leadership to Younger Generations

In their book Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church, authors Kara Powell, Brad Griffin, and Jake Mulder studied churches that were highly successful in engaging emerging generations. They define keychain leaders as “pastoral and congregational leaders who are acutely aware of the keys on their keychain; and intentional about entrusting and empowering all generations, including teenagers and emerging adults, with their own set of keys” (53).

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